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What if Wisdom…

January 12, 2018

What if wisdom were as revered as beauty? What if wisdom were sought after more than beauty? What if wisdom were more esteemed?

My gym sisters and I were commenting on the beauty of the young women we work out with; and I suppose there is a part of us that longs for that beauty as we approach or pass by the 5-0 marker in life. And in the same breath we all agreed we wouldn’t trade in our wisdom of today for our beauty of yesterday.

What if physical beauty, which we all know to be fleeting, whether we want to admit it or not, were secondary to wisdom? What if we were attracted to wisdom instead of external beauty? What if we saw waves of wisdom emanating from the women we encountered? What if that’s what caught our attention? Oh how different things would be if our souls sought wisdom instead of our eyes grasping at fading beauty.

King Solomon, asked for wisdom above all else. He longed for wisdom in such a way that he desired wisdom as a life long partner. He clearly saw that true beauty rests in wisdom.

“I loved her and sought her from my youth;
I desired to take her for my bride,
and became enamored of her beauty” Wisdom 8:2.

I look at my gym sisters and each one of them exudes a beauty that flows from deep within, a beauty that has grown over time and throughout life, a beauty that is felt by the soul, not seen by the eyes. And yet at times, I too am guilty of desiring this fleeting beauty as a companion, as I easily forget what wisdom is…

Wisdom is understanding…Wisdom is knowledge…Wisdom is insight…Wisdom is prudence…Wisdom is humility…Wisdom is patience…Wisdom is strength…Wisdom is radiant…Wisdom is life…Wisdom is love.

Wisdom is a gift from God. It is offered to us and it is ours for the taking. “Take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold; for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her” (Proverbs 8:10-11).

Lord, give me a heart that seeks Wisdom above all else. May I take your instruction and see through the temporal “silver, gold and jewels” and feast my eyes on eternal beauty, “for what is richer than wisdom?” (Proverbs 8:5).


0 Responses

  1. Beautiful! I remember being so impacted by this concept as a child, and have often prayed for wisdom throughout my life. I have always felt that God faithfully answered that request in some way. Always.

  2. At this stage of my life, the Lord is asking me to concentrate on seeking wisdom and humility using his mother as a perfect example. Great blog, Leslie!

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I’m a Christian author creating heartfelt, story-driven content that invites readers into a deeper, more intimate relationship with God through reflective writing and spiritual insights.

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