Can You See?

Beauty, ever-elusive and hidden, are you here? It seems almost impossible to find you. The Noise, specializing in discouragement, doubt, and distraction, tells you have fled. It writes and broadcasts that you no longer live among us. It suggests, Beauty, that all we have left are mere memories of you.
The Noise has noticed we are held captive by its reports and soundbites, which only speak in one-dimensional perspectives. Perhaps the Noise has capitalized on our unusual attraction to darkness and pessimism. They may have convinced us that you, Beauty, have been escorted away.
Beauty, where are you?
Long ago, the Noise was blinded to you; perhaps they were only responding to the principle of supply and demand. The extensive platforms occupied by the Noise promote a message that all is lost. Beauty, where have you gone? Is looking for you in vain?
There are days Beauty when it is difficult to believe you still exist. Listening to the Noise for extended periods can slowly extinguish our hope as we unexpectedly find ourselves shrouded in obscurity. Has the Noise made us blind too?
Are you eluding us; are you running from us? Or have we forgotten how to see? Perhaps the art of looking for you has vanished, Beauty, for I suspect you are right in our midst. As the Noise quiets, the evidence of your existence begins to surface, and glimpses of you arise.
Dear Beauty
You remind us in the poem below to open our eyes and see for your countless ways are continually displayed.
Morning dew and glows of sunrise
Gentle rustling and quiet sighs
Cool breeze whispers awake sleepy eyes
Singing birds and hooting owls
Billowy clouds and springtime flowers
Roaring creek after nighttime showers
Neighbors greet and green leaves waving
Hot tea steeps and a new day awaiting
Playful pups their love never failing
Playground sounds and racing tricycles
Lemonade stand and summertime popsicles
Children giggle making endless sandcastles
Friends reconnect and memories of old
Candles on cakes and celebrations to behold
Books on shelves capturing stories well told
Standing in our midst and delicate with flair
Can you see? Are you aware?
Beauty is not hidden, obscure, or rare
Beauty never left she is everywhere
In the absence of Noise, we can take note that indeed, dearest Beauty, you are always here.