Desert Journey – Day 19
Walking on the beach can give your legs a good workout. I think most of us would walk by the wet, packed sand closest to the shore. It’s definitely more user-friendly. The dry sand on the other hand, is harder to endure.
Jesus and I are walking and my legs notice the weight of getting through desert sand. My legs aren’t giving out, I just notice they are working harder than normal. We have covered some distance since entering the desert. It’s not clear how far, but we have journeyed a bit. I wonder how many miles Jesus covered while he was in the desert. Probably doesn’t matter.
I am not feeling too interactive this morning, not sure why. Walking with Jesus doesn’t require anything of me. I can just be. I’d like a place to sit, but there doesn’t seem to be any other than in the sand. Jesus suggests we sit. My mind drifts to Calvary – Jesus’ legs must have been so weak and feeble from carrying the cross. All of a sudden, rest seems trivial to me now.
Weariness teaches endurance, he says. We are approaching the halfway mark of our 40 days. That feels good. There are times I don’t believe in my own ability to endure. Lord, how did you endure all that you went through? Because of love, he replies. What perfect love will endure…
I am challenged to love more.
Needed to read this today. Thank you for sharing friend~
Thank you for the fresh perspective! T