Desert Journey – Day 24

The cursor blinks rhythmically; the blinking pattern is predictable. I wish the words were as predictable. This might be the morning I worried might come, the one where there is nothing to write. My mind labors. My thoughts fixed on all of the responsibilities that fill my head.

I wonder if Jesus ever had weeks where he felt like his to do list was longer than his arm. Did he ever wish a week would come to an end? Did he get bogged down in details or did he maintain perspective? There’s that word again, perspective – the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.

View. I can choose to inspect each grain of sand and focus only on that; I can take a small step back and see larger quantities of sand particles. But, if I shift my line of vision completely, I will change my view and see the horizon.

Fixating on the grains of sand seems to obstruct viewing the horizon. You cannot do both. Jesus lifts my head and helps me change my gaze. If I don’t look at all the grains, how will I keep track? I am challenged to look up. My nature prefers to bury itself in the grains of sand, with the potential to eventually be consumed.

Jesus says, the choice is mine. I sigh, sit in the sand and look upwards. A certain peace is bestowed upon me.


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