It’s all in your head
It’s all in your head. Isn’t that where it all starts – the thoughts, the ideas, the dreams, the visions? Be it from God or the enemy, the playing field of the mind is where the game is played.
You know the game, sometimes you are winning and sometimes your opponent has the advantage. You may be up by a big lead and feel confident about the win and all of a sudden your opponent starts gaining ground and the assured win is slipping away. Defeat looks imminent. Discouraged, you may toss in the towel. Can you dig deeper? Is there more to give?
Somehow the opponent seems to know and capitalize on our weaknesses. Ever find yourself in a situation where God is stretching you, asking you to grow? You say yes and plod along. He knows you can do it, however you lack belief in yourself. How does that work? God the Creator, who knew you before you were in your mother’s womb, who created you for a specific purpose, has called you to do His work, confident that you’ve got it. And we on the other hand, doubt the very call.
You continue to trudge through, fighting the opponent who questions you constantly. You pray, give yourself pep talks. Seek counsel and affirmation from others. Why did I say yes? What was I thinking? I can’t do this. Who do I think I am? And the game is on. You versus the opponent. And it feels like he’s winning.
I am a social introvert. I like chatting with people and will talk to any stranger. But when I need filling up, you’ll find me alone, puttering, doing my thing, quietly at home. I am not a fan of getting in front of people and speaking, not a fan at all. In my mind, I have allocated that job to those who are good at it. And wouldn’t ya know, for the past year, that’s exactly where God has asked me to stretch and grow.
“Ugh, I don’t like stretching and growing, God. Can’t I just stay put? He reminds me, “you can’t grow if you don’t stretch.” I know, I know, but this is so uncomfortable and surely there are others who are much better qualified for this job.” Opponent – 1, Me – 0
And so it goes, the opponent takes the lead. The game gets scrappy. The old adage we’ve all heard comes to mind, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” Okay then, if I want to win the game, I’ve got to change the strategy. That’s what coaches do when their team is being out played, they change strategies.
Okay God, let’s strategize. Take a time out. Regroup. Remember the call. Remember the training and equipping He has given you over the years. Remember each past opportunity of stretching and growing when you thought you weren’t capable and you persevered. Renew the mind. God knows you are capable, it just takes us a little longer to see our own capabilities through the eyes of God. I recently heard this phrase, “fake it, until you can make it, until you believe it.” One day you will wake up and believe what God already knows you can do.
So take the opportunity. God grants the growing when we accept the stretching. Restart the game and play on. The victory is His!
It’s funny…the growing pains never last that long but when I’m in it and if I stay too focused on that aspect, it can seem interminable. But there’s always a choice where I focus my attention, right? On the pain, inconvenience, or frustration of the growing or the joy in what God is doing. Because He’s always right. His plan is always better and has far reaching ripple effects that I can’t even see or fathom. And then I must renew my surrender…again! Okay Lord, have Your way with me.
Just a hearty, YES!