Trigger Points

I first learned about trigger points when a terrible neck and shoulder condition led me to my first chiropractic visit. A trigger point is basically a knot within the muscle tissue that causes pain. Trigger points can be obvious and cause debilitating pain or they can go unnoticed until pressed. Unless the trigger points are alleviated, the muscles affected will not work to their potential. After several months working with the chiropractor, the trigger points were released and the muscles in my neck and shoulder recovered. It was a painful process as I had let a nagging condition develop into one that ended up needing quite a bit of healing.
Spiritual healing
My first encounter with spiritual healing occured years ago while attending a retreat. I was having difficulty connecting with the content being shared as my heart and mind were closed to recognizing my own need for healing. Then, the speaker said something that resonated deeply. She said, “have you ever reacted to a situation in such a way that your reaction was unwarranted?” That struck a chord. I do that, I thought to myself, react to situations and people in a way that is off the charts at times. I don’t mean to do it, so why do I? And that was the beginning of my healing journey.
Wounds happen
We live in a fallen world so our condition is impacted by the brokenness of our surroundings. As a result, we cannot escape being wounded. No matter how idyllic our upbringing, no matter how great our family and life circumstances, we still don’t get through life unscathed. As a result, our heart gets hurt along the way and a wounded heart doesn’t always respond with love. On the contrary, a wounded heart very often responds with sin. When we are faced with a situation or conversation that produces an unreasonable reaction in us, we have just been triggered. When a trigger point is pressed, one we may not even know exists, our reaction often escalates into unwarranted behavior. If we can pause for a moment and ask why, we may realize there is a need for healing.
“He reveals deep and hidden things…”
Daniel 2:22
For example
A wounded heart may be one that needs to feel worthy and validated by others. A common occurrence and one I can raise my hand for. When I find myself in a situation where I believe my worth or validity is being questioned, I can be easily triggered. What began as an innocent conversation, suddenly turns into unwarranted reactions, explosive behavior, or silent feelings of rejection. When we carry the wound of needing to find ourselves worthy in the eyes of others, we continually seek affirmation from those around us.
Look further
A wound in the heart creates an environment for being triggered. The key is to take time to notice the unwanted reactions, acknowledge the trigger, and discover the root of why we react in such a manner. It is not my favorite spiritual exercise to dig into the why of my actions. The process of reflecting and seeking God’s help to uncover such behavior can be difficult and painful. It takes humility to accept that we are triggered, that we are wounded, that we sin, and most importantly, that we need healing. An exposed trigger is a blessing. Just like the chiropractor helps find the trigger points to release the pain and administer healing, so too must we allow the Great Physician to uncover what hides behind our triggered responses so He can bring healing as well.
I recently spent several days praying and seeking the Lord’s healing and forgiveness for a recent “trigger point” episode in my life. I asked the Lord to bring me healing for this wound, this need to be affirmed by others. In the quiet I heard him gently say, “I am your biggest cheerleader and I am cheering for you.”
A better heart
His healing and grace are sufficient. Knowing that He stands on the sidelines cheering is consolation for my soul. However, repetitive behavior, like muscle memory, takes time to change. Giving ourselves space to assimilate the Lord’s healing is important.
Our biggest obstacle to healing is our belief that we don’t need it. We all need it. God is Jehovah-Rophe for a reason. He wishes to bring us healing, if only we will ask. A little humility makes for a better heart.
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
Psalm 147:3