Whatever You Do, Don’t Miss the View
The best part of the walk is always the view. Isn’t that why we walk? Days, weeks, months, and years of sojourning pay off when we arrive at one of many summits in our journey. We finally have the long-range view we have worked so hard to see.
The walk
The experiences we live over time write our stories. As we set out on our many journeys, the course and the destination may or may not be definitive, the goals we have in mind may unfold differently than expected, and the mundane, repetitive nature of the walk may leave us asking, “what’s the point?”
Walks can be grueling and exhausting as we endure the challenges of life and we question our ability to finish. Whether short or long, flat or steep, there is something to learn and appreciate from each walk we take; no walk is futile.
The homeschool walk
A few years back, our youngest son asked to be homeschooled. I was sure this would be a phase, and he would move on to something else. From legos to soccer, skateboarding to golf, and video-making to a Youtube channel, I was sure this latest fad to be homeschooled would surely pass. Much to my chagrin, it did not, and the misery he was experiencing at our local high school was evident.
After much grumbling, and a tantrum or two, on my part, not his, we signed up for a homeschool program. There were some tough days in our homeschool life, and many often ended with me yelling, “I’m sending you back to your old high school!” Days were long, and stress was high for both of us. The writing process was his greatest struggle, and reading, editing, and grading his papers was mine.
The ascent
From time to time, years of walking culminate in a summit experience, however, not without enduring the challenges of the final approach. We can’t lose sight of the top no matter how challenging the last stretch is. Take a moment to stop, turn around, and look at the distance traveled, and the obstacles overcome. There may be a little more to endure to reach the summit, but there is no long-range view without the final ascent.
It may take years before we can appreciate the climb to the summit, but when we can, be sure to notice the moment and celebrate it; mark and acknowledge it as a meaningful period in time for there was significant work in ascending to the top.
The long-range view
The long-range view provides time to reflect on God’s hand in our lives, His ways, His plans, and His perfect timing. It affords us perspective to see the struggles turned into lessons, the pain formed into growth, and the sacrifices met with grace. These are moments when we say, “I now can see!”
Writing did not come easy to our son. Through hard work and perseverance, today, he writes papers that earn him A’s in college. From time to time, I send him my draft blogs so he can read, edit and grade my writing. Funny how we have come full circle.
The homeschool walk had a purpose, in addition to the obvious to graduate from high school. We both helped each other become better writers. After a three-year-long climb to the summit, I am enjoying the view. It is indeed a gift to celebrate.
I so enjoyed this insightful writing. The journey is long and hard at times but God is with us. We are not alone. With His wisdom, courage and strength we can continue ever forward, ever higher. I love being older because I can look back on my many different journeys and see God’s hand in them as He directed me and lead me. I see my mistakes and can learn from them. Directions change. Some destinations are reached and then shut down. I would grieve the loss of them but God has always and still is, giving me new ways to serve Him so I say yes, even when it’s outside my comfort zone. And as in all things, when I follow Him, my joy and peace soar, fueled by His love.
Love your wisdom, Karen! Directions change often and some destinations are closed doors. But God always directs and provides a new path. His love ever constant!